• About Us

    About Us

  • About Us

    About Us

About Us

1986 wurden die ersten von uns entwickelten Software-Lösungen marktreif und konnten an unsere Kunden ausgeliefert werden. Anfang der 90er Jahre kamen Consulting und Integration dazu, denn unsere Kunden erwarteten einen sogenannten One-Stop-Shop, also einen Anbieter, der nicht nur für sämtliche Applikationen zuständig ist, sondern auch die Hardware und alle Services anbietet. Als der Internet WWW-Hype losging, hatten wir bereits mehrere Jahre Erfahrung im Bereich Kommunikationstechnik, Internet- und Sicherheitslösungen gesammelt.

As an Information Technology Company we're in business since 1986. We've started with Software Development in mid 80's, Consulting and Integration in the early 90's. As the hype of the internet rushed through all heads, we already had years of experience.

We're social, ain't we?

...but are you really interested in losing too much time with following everyone and everything.

Time is far too precious! That's why you won't find all kinds of social links here, just a few, precious gems.

We love YouTube, used to like Twitter (now named as ‘X‘), are familiar with Facebook, Instagram, Reddit …. some tools/platforms could be helpful.

From OSINT perspective it‘s not wise to spread personal information through the entire digital world. So please be careful, we are!

And last but not least:
Keep the focus and your tasks are done faster than expected!


Business Hours:

Monday - Friday:
9 AM - 5 PM


24hrs, 7 days a week